Question GPU troubleshooting GTX Titan X

Sep 8, 2022
Question on functionality and troubleshooting tips and or in-depth repair

First things first let me just say that I know this is completely Bass ackwards. But I've tried a lot of different things and yeah don't try this at home unless you want to fry something.

Build info
AMD Ryzen 5 3600xt
ASUS B450 yada
Power supply with 750 watts
16 gate Corsair RAM

Anywho. This is a completely functional build when running a different graphics card.

However. When I plug in this GTX Titan X, with the PCI connectors plugged in I get a 16th of a turn out of all fans on my computer, my RGB-LEDs light up for a flash. Then nothing. So I assume it's a short somewhere. After swapping the GPU to another board, same thing. Fans try to turn CPU fan tries to turn no boot. Dead on arrival.

So I assume there's a short in the card somewhere. I plug it in without the pcie power, with a DisplayPort to my monitor and integrated graphics doing a DVI port I get no display on either and then lo and behold the DisplayPort flashes on the screen plug in PCI power connectors. So I do without turning off my computer. dead. Kills it completely. So I unplugged the power connectors I reboot boots just fine to DVI port monitor integrated graphics. So I kill it. I plug in the pcie power connectors this time properly with the device off. 16th of a fan spin rotation. Dead on arrival.

The g-force gtx LED lights up on the side, the fan spins without the pcie plugged in. Just thought I'd throw that in there too.

Now I know there's a short somewhere on the board, PCB of the graphics card. What I have absolutely no idea about

Is where to begin with testing and troubleshooting from here I've done all to my best knowledge of everything except, reflashing the BIOS and taking off the fan and chassis off all together and testing individual chips and components on the GPU itself.

One thing I even tried is powering the GPU from a different power supply and yeah that didn't work either. I've tried a 750 watt power supply I've tried a 500 watt power supply with minimal components. My buddies are going to bring over 850 watt power supply we're going to try that. But I'm at a loss for words I don't know what else I can do to troubleshoot this bad boy looking for some help and advice.
Power supply wouldn't matter for just lighting up the screen.

The GPU is dead. Other than spending hours with a multimeter and card scematics (for probably only a small chance of finding something), it's only good as a paperweight now.
...and yeah, never plug in internal power connectors while they are live.
If you have any other specs that can help out in diagnostics. please ask.

Yes sir I appreciate you welcoming me in with those kind words it is an antec ea-750 green. And I would say approximately 5+ years old Plus.
And the second one that I'm using is an insignia 80 plus 500w that can't be more than 5 years old. I will be trying later today or tomorrow a thermallake 850w PSU unsure of the model. And I'll definitely update you as soon as I know the model.

I have ample time to troubleshoot this and I'd really like to breathe some life into this old boy
Your older Antec should be sufficient to power the Titan X. The Insignia is a hard NO.

As stated earlier, you should never plug anything in while power is on (or unplugged for that matter). That is a sure way to permanently damage components.

It really does sound like you have a DOA GPU. What is the specific make/model of yours?
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Your older Antec should be sufficient to power the Titan X. The Insignia is a hard NO.

It really does sound like you have a DOA GPU. What is the specific make/model of yours?

I believe it's a EVGA GTX Titan X Superclocked

12G-2992-KR says the sticker

Is there anything that can be done to salvage it or any parts that can be salvaged off of this for resale. I do have the time to comb thru it to trouble shoot it. Just need guidance.