GPU Under Performing [gtx 1070]


Feb 8, 2018
Hello, just recently i bought my self a gtx 107 founders edition. very quickly i had realized that it not being used to it full potential.
In Players Unknown Battlegrounds i get around 60 fps on very high but the card is only being used around 50-65%, i don't thing it bottle necked by anything as my cpu is under 40-60% load while gaming in PUBG, very similar thing is happening in GTA V, in nvidia control panel i had set it to "prefer maximum performance" ]

Any suggestions is welcomed

Powersupply corsair 650w
RAM corsair 8gb
CPU i7-4790 3.6ghz
GPU gtx 1070 founders edition
and 1tb HDD

it around 60 fps 50-65fps i have disabled vsync in game and aslo in nvidia control panel. so i dont think it that, but thanks.

I'been running games in 1080p at highest settings, and im using less than 50% gpu power, and i dont know if it been like this with my old card

Can you install MSI afterburner and monitor the Temps. Since it's a founders edition is possible that Temps are rising causing the card to throttle

just played for 40 min of pubg the card never went above 75 the highest it got was 73, i don't think it the temps causing the issue

im ssure hot to check that, how ever when i do benchmarks with future mark the gpu goes 100% on load and i hit good fps, but when i play pubg and have everything on ultra it only allows me to hit 60 fps, no matter what settings i use im always on 60 fps

That sounds like V-sync is on, or the game has a FPS limiter.

The fact that all settings results in the same FPS, tells me the problem is with a FPS limit of some sort, or a CPU bottleneck, which could be heat related.

well cpu usage in PUBG is on 40% and temps of cpu is below 60 and gpu temp is below 80, i had aslo turned vsync of in pubg and in nvidia control panel, and i know people hit 130 fps with this card on everything medium. so im not sure what the problem is

The CPU usage, when bottlenecked, will only reach 40-50% on an i7 like that. So that doesn't rule that out. The fact that you get 60 FPS on all settings tells me there is almost certainly a FPS limiter. FPS are never that consistent otherwise. V-sync is one obvious limiter, but there are other possible limiters in place.

well it drops to around 40 but very rarely it mostly between 57-61, is there anything else so i can unlock this fps ?, however my gpu hits 100% load in benchmarking


Those FPS are fairly consistent with most graphical settings? If so, check the clock rate of your CPU cores. See if they are reaching the proper clock rates. You need to check individual cores. The overall CPU usage is pretty worthless for getting useful info.

yeah i hit them fps all the time, how can i check the cpu clock rates ?