[SOLVED] GPU upgrade, 100% CPU Usage???!!! RTX 2060, I5 6600k


May 8, 2013
Just upgraded from a 960 to a 2060 and noticed a lot of times I have 100% CPU usage now. I also noticed that when I max out games my 8gb of ram will hit 6.8-7.7 usage in different games. Is the lack of ram in newer games like Anthem and Apex coupled with the fact I have a newer GPU and 8gb ram making my CPU work harder? I can't find a definitive answer but I do notice the higher my ram gets when trying to max out a game, the worse the stutter gets.
Have you upped your gaming settings since installing the new 2060? Have you changed any monitor settings?
If so, it could quite simply be that now you have an improved GPU, your CPU is now the bottleneck.

8GB is borderline for many games now, 16GB is the generally recommended amount as it will be enough to cover every game. Many games require more than 8GB now for effective gaming, but none require more than 16GB.
Have you upped your gaming settings since installing the new 2060? Have you changed any monitor settings?
If so, it could quite simply be that now you have an improved GPU, your CPU is now the bottleneck.

8GB is borderline for many games now, 16GB is the generally recommended amount as it will be enough to cover every game. Many games require more than 8GB now for effective gaming, but none require more than 16GB.
Yea I figured. A few years ago I realized GPU's were getting more ram and SSD were getting cheaper so I knew the requirements for gaming ram would change as well. Yea I think the 2060 is just so fast that the memory I have is not enough and CPU keeps reading from page file or something. Not sure. i hooked the 960 up and the cpu did reach 100% but not as much as with the 2060. i think Origin games are all CPU dependant as well seeing as BF5, Anthem and Apex all have high CPU usage.