I've been thinking about a GPU upgrade lately. I have a 144hz 1440p (PG278Q) monitor, and am running 2 280x's in crossfire. I mostly play games like Dota 2 and rocket league, but sometimes play games like the witcher 3 and fallout 4 etc (usually when they come out). My 280x's don't let me hit 144hz on dota 2 maxed, (I get about 100fps)(Crossfire support is terrible for dota) which annoys me, and the witcher 3 only runs at about 40-45fps at 1440p Ultra. SOOOO.... with all these new cards coming out, I was thinking about an upgrade. I'm also thinking about adding 2 side monitors in portrait mode for a surround set up.
Should I upgrade now, and if so what to (I'd like to be able to max out my monitor/s in games like dota 2, and anything in the realm of 70fps+ at 1440p Ultra for AAA games like the Witcher 3 would be good), OR should I wait to see the rx 490 and or the 1080ti?
Should I upgrade now, and if so what to (I'd like to be able to max out my monitor/s in games like dota 2, and anything in the realm of 70fps+ at 1440p Ultra for AAA games like the Witcher 3 would be good), OR should I wait to see the rx 490 and or the 1080ti?