GPU Upgrade for i5 4460


Oct 29, 2015
Hi Bros!

I'd like to hear your input. What's the best bang for the buck GPU for my Rig?
My Budget's around $200-ish
Will only play CSGO / GTA V / NBA 2K16
and a lot of 60fps facebooking

here's my current potato:

You would be cutting it really close so Id say not worth the risk.
R7 370 would be a better option.

that's what i thought.

but from the comparisons i found online they say that the 750ti performs better than the 370? and if'd go 750ti, but it's price difference from the 960 is just a little stretch. so i'm really confused rn =))) and if I get a 960 isn't it too much for my psu? no OC intention


hmmm what about an MSI R7 370 + I'll get a Seasonic S12II or M12II ?