GPU Upgrade Help R9 270x SLI vs Single R9 295


Aug 23, 2014
Hey All. As read in the title, I am looking to upgrade my GPU. At the moment I have a single GTX 760 Superclocked and was looking for a little more power. So my options are ....

2 x MSI R9 270x in SLI
1 x MSI R9 295

Currently I am running on a 990FX Extreme3 Mobo with a CX750 Watt power supply with and AMD FX-8350 Processor.

Is is best for the two "less powerful" cards in SLI or the single better card.
Note that the 2 that would be in SLI would cost about 50$ more than the single R9 295 GPU.

Thanks in advance all!! (Sorry if i sound noob but i have never have to deal with AMD GPU's)

Definite the 295x2, that's 2x 290x right there, $50 difference is a small price to pay for so much graphical power. But you'll have to upgrade your PSU to 850-1000w.

K cool what about a SLI Gigabyte R9 280x for only 400$?
still 295, better cooling, faster halfs (it's based on the 290x and they stuck 2 together). and it looks nicer 😀 either way you look at it.

edit: also amd likes to call it crossfire instead of sli like nvidia 😀

edit2: the 295 is also significantly longer, does it fit your case? for the crossfire solution you'd need excellent cooling else one of the cards will overheat. (usually the one on top)

Not too bad, but still not as good as the 295x2 of course. If you want to save some money and don't want to get a new PSU, go for those, but if you don't mind getting a new PSU, go for the 295x2.

Oh yeah crossfire haha im so used to nVidia and Intel

Holy crap nice build you have 😀 anyway thanks i may do the 2xR9 280x's because I dont really want to upgrade my PSU at the moment but maybe the 295 some other day :)

So if you want to eventually move up to 4k gaming and want to have some space between the cards, you should get the 295x2, with 2, you will be able to do 4k ultra gaming like me, you'll just need a 1500+ watt PSU later if you do.

Hahaha, okay, they're still pretty good for 1080p and perhaps 1440p.

Yeah cant afford that power supply right now maybe some other time

Well what about an upgrade to a GTX 970? Or do you just suggest that 2nd 760 in SLI is best option... I already get amazing (usually 100 plus) frames on high on lots of games... MC, War Thunder, World of Tanks ... etc. Some people said SLI with two 760's isnt good tho :/ so whats your call?

The 970/980s are very good for 1080p/1440p gaming, so if you can get your hands on one of them now, you can max 1080p, if you can get a 2nd one later, you'll be able to max 1440p no problem 😀

Ok thats what i thought. Where is the best place I can sell my current 760 to get back money?


Hmm, I have no idea, since I've never sold anything before, but if it was me, I'd try Amazon, perhaps ebay, or maybe even local stores that helps people build PC?