GPU upgrade ?

Sep 18, 2018
Dell XPS 8900
I7-6700 3.4 GHz
6th gen.
16 GB Ram
Stock 460 watt psu.

Planning on upgrading my graphics card. Looking for advice for one that will match up to my system. Leaning towards a gtx 1060 ti 6gb. Also might be looking to upgrade PSU. But with the 1060 I think it would work with the stock psu. As long as it can run these 3 games pretty well I'm ok with it. BF1, BF V, Lego Marvel heros 2. Any suggestions? Thanks.
Those came with a 120W GTX960 as an option. That PSU will run a GTX1060 GPU no problem. No underclocking required.
Dell doesn't sell PSUs by the Watt. They use a continuos rating not a peak "advertised" power rating.
bf use 5 cpu cores without hyperthreading
if i set affinity to 5 real core i get 120fps, if i set it to 4 real cores + 1 smt core (aka hyperthreading) fps drops to 90

your cpu has 4 cores...sooo thats what im sayin :)

as for psu, that depends on if you overclock, without overclicking u should be fine, otherwise look for 550w+

That's not correct at all. I have an i7 3770k in a backup PC. BF1 can and will use the hyperthreaded cores. The I7 6700 is still a great CPU for gaming and will be for several more years to come.

that cant be true right? could apply on fx series

see mine at 4.1ghz
as u can see solo core score 121pts, quad score 479pts
i7 6700k scores pretty much same on 1/4core:

i sued 6700k for comparison just for that frequency

Umm, no

It ties or loses in every single gaming benchmark. In some games it even loses to the i5 6600k.

I like the Ryzen chips and I'm glad AMD has made a comeback but when it comes to gaming Intel is still king. It takes AMD 6 cores with the Ryzen that Intel does with 4.

Mute the horrible music and watch all 3.

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