I'm considering upgrading to a more VR ready machine from my 970 (Elite : dangerous needs more for even low settings, which I find inexcusable)
This gets me thinking about a whole PC upgrade considering I could easily sell my current one to some of my friends to help with the cost. If I go that route, I'm going full in on the newest of the new. 3D NAND M.2 SSD, Zen or Skylake w/ high end motherboard, and the new generation GPUs of course. Even if it means that top performance is secondary to newest technology.
Firstly, is there anything else you guys see as a must for a state-of-the-art 2016-style build?
SECONDLY, and this is the big one, with now much proprietary stuff is going into Nvidia cards these days, including their host of software, and all the new features associated with the new 10 series (gameworks and the like), can AMD (even with similarly performing cards) keep up?
Is Nvidia going to be the kings of the GPU world BY DEFAULT even if AMD beats them in performance, simply because Nvidia has better software that will make a better experience? (in other words, a few more frames isn't making the experience better in comparison).
I know this is an INCREDIBLY theoretical argument but I know some of you guys have a lot of historical experience with these matters so I wanted to ask your opinions.
This gets me thinking about a whole PC upgrade considering I could easily sell my current one to some of my friends to help with the cost. If I go that route, I'm going full in on the newest of the new. 3D NAND M.2 SSD, Zen or Skylake w/ high end motherboard, and the new generation GPUs of course. Even if it means that top performance is secondary to newest technology.
Firstly, is there anything else you guys see as a must for a state-of-the-art 2016-style build?
SECONDLY, and this is the big one, with now much proprietary stuff is going into Nvidia cards these days, including their host of software, and all the new features associated with the new 10 series (gameworks and the like), can AMD (even with similarly performing cards) keep up?
Is Nvidia going to be the kings of the GPU world BY DEFAULT even if AMD beats them in performance, simply because Nvidia has better software that will make a better experience? (in other words, a few more frames isn't making the experience better in comparison).
I know this is an INCREDIBLY theoretical argument but I know some of you guys have a lot of historical experience with these matters so I wanted to ask your opinions.