Gpu usage 0-100% during games


May 11, 2012
Rx 580 4gb was running good before , after the new driver 17.10.2 it started frame dropping. Pubg and BF 1 are on different drives, both stuttering. Tried going back to 17.10.1 same thing. i5 6600k is usually at 4.2ghz, temps are normal gpu and cpu.

PSU Corsair 750w, 16gb ram. Asus vw246h 60hz monitor with dvi cable.

Windows 10 fall creator's update? I don't know.
PSU Corsair HX 750i , I do use the ddu in safe mode, tried the last driver 17.10.1 which was running well, didn't help. Bios is up to date. I haven't tried a system restore.

Edit: Today tried an older driver then the latest (17.10.2) they both ran my games well. In the Wattman history graph usage was again 0-100%.
They just released another driver, nothing mention in the notes why so soon. It runs good, still have the same problem, someone mentioned they're having the same issue in the AMD forums.