GPU usage drops when moving mouse


Jul 21, 2014
Hey all,

Recently made a new build and hitting an issue I have not seen before. In certain games (mainly in World of Tanks and Star Citizen, though I have seen it to less effect in others), I am seeing massive loss in frame-rate when moving the mouse around. This is both in menus and in game when I move the camera around. In WoT, when I use the arrow keys to move the camera around, it dose not cause issues so I am assuming its not a rendering thing.

Current parts list:
Do you have a gaming mouse? If so, chances are its reporting rate is so high it's causing the issue. If you have a gaming mouse, go to its software configuration/utility and lower the reporting rate by half or even a quarter of what it is. If 1000 then try 250.

Optionally, if it's a "normal" optical mouse, then you can try updating the motherboard chipset/USB drivers. Yet another option is to uninstall the mouse or USB ports and restart and let the drivers reinstall.

EDIT 1: I just saw your partspicker list and noticed you do in fact have a gaming mouse. Use Logitech's utility to lower the reporting rate of the mouse.

Sounds like an odd issue, but I haven't checked it before, so i'll get back with you and see if this works.

EDIT: That worked... Very weird bug.
Well I'm glad it at least helps and an improvement confirms it's just the mouse and not something more serious. You can follow through with updating the motherboard chipset/USB drivers from the manufacturer website and see if that clears the remaining lag up.
So, I was still having the issue, but not the the degree that I was before. Lowering the polling rate was helping, but the issue was minimized, not eliminated.

Rolled back my nVidia Drivers and the issue diapered. Seems like the issue was in that Driver, not with the mouse itself.