Hey all,
Recently made a new build and hitting an issue I have not seen before. In certain games (mainly in World of Tanks and Star Citizen, though I have seen it to less effect in others), I am seeing massive loss in frame-rate when moving the mouse around. This is both in menus and in game when I move the camera around. In WoT, when I use the arrow keys to move the camera around, it dose not cause issues so I am assuming its not a rendering thing.
Current parts list: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/MGFpnn
Recently made a new build and hitting an issue I have not seen before. In certain games (mainly in World of Tanks and Star Citizen, though I have seen it to less effect in others), I am seeing massive loss in frame-rate when moving the mouse around. This is both in menus and in game when I move the camera around. In WoT, when I use the arrow keys to move the camera around, it dose not cause issues so I am assuming its not a rendering thing.
Current parts list: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/MGFpnn