GPU Usage in 30-50% ???


May 12, 2014
I have a Gigabyte R9 270x, a FX 6300 processor and a pretty old
Energon 650W PSU. On some games, I do get 80-90% of gpu usage which im fine with, but in games like Cod2, Cod WAW and MW2 i only get about 40%.
Now while that does give me a constant 125 on MW2 and Cod WAW and a constant 333 on CoD2, I feel like mw2 and cod waw should be running at 333 or 250 aswell. if you think im retarded for wanting so much fps, please dont because there is a huge reason behind it and its that the quake engine has this little bug that when you have 250 or 333 fps you jump slightly higher which is needed for some jumps.
the game developers said its not cheating and their fine with it so yeah.
I dont know whats wrong my Furmark scores match with others thats tested their 270x's so it cant be a CPU or PSU bottleneck right?
Please help me,
Thanks in advance <3

<Mod Edit> i picked you as the best answer by mistake, no im not using sync because i have a 60hz monitor so that would make me have 60fps
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