gpu usage low on gta 5


Feb 15, 2015
parts list:
cpu: adm athlon 860k (not overclocked)
ram: 8gb 1600 mhz
gpu: gtx 960 geforce edition

recently i got a new gtx 960 and i have been testing it out, on game such as csgo which the fps is fine with it being very high and in rocket league the fps being good too with 99%gpu usage. How ever on gta 5 my gpu usage is the high 30s / low 40s and im only getting around 70fps on the LOWEST settings possible, i get around 40fps on high settings. I have uninstalled-reinstalled the gpu drivers twice and the usage is still very low.

btw my CPU is unparked will that affected my performance?
Yes an overclock probably would help a bit but don't expect a night and day difference. You have a cpu bottleneck, the gpu cannot do any better because its being held back by your cpu. GTA V is a cpu heavy game, its not like CSGO or rocket league which don't need much cpu horsepower at all.
Yes an overclock probably would help a bit but don't expect a night and day difference. You have a cpu bottleneck, the gpu cannot do any better because its being held back by your cpu. GTA V is a cpu heavy game, its not like CSGO or rocket league which don't need much cpu horsepower at all.
i have seen vids of people OC my cpu from 4 - 4.2 ghz and has then run fine on gta 5, i will possibly try that, would u think me unparking my cpu have an effect too and help it or would it be worse for my peroformance. thx for your help

If your on windows 7 unparking cores may help. If your on win 8.1 or win 10 from what I have heard unparking cores doesn't do anything, they dont handle parked cores in the same way.

No problem. Yeah GTA V can be a bit of a resource hog even my FX 6350 at 4.7ghz with a heavily overclocked 760 does not run GTA that well. I can play on high settings, msaa off (which you should do btw very taxing in gta), and most settings in advanced settings off. I get a stable 60fps in most areas but in the city in day and the desert by trevors house I dip into the 40s and upper 30s all the time.
Hallo please help us guys!

I just acquired my new Msi gaming X 1080ti and tried out the good old gta 5. I play maxedout on 4k resolution.
Strange is, when I start gaming GPU and CPU usage is 50% with 40fps. If I change anything in the graphics and then rechange it, everything goes well, CPU 50%, GPU 100%, 60+FPS

What's going on? This is happening only in this game and only till I reapply the same video settings (without changing anything after all).

My rig:

MSI Gtx 1080ti
6600k 4500mhz
16gb 2800mhz DDR4