Gpu usage under 100%


Nov 19, 2015
Hi all!

Its my first time posting here, but i have an issue and i really wonder how to fix or what it is.

The problem is the next. My gpu is not working at 100% and im not getting a 60 fps, and it should be because the CPU bottleneck, but my cpu is not even working at 50% either. Theres a ss ingame.

So, i dont know what could be the problem or how to fix it. I aprecciate any answer, Thank you guys.


AMD fx8350 ( non oc )
gigabyte ds3p mobo
8gb ddr3 1886 kingston hyper x fury
Asus gtx 660 TI 2gb
PS: radix vii ag 600

you wont get 100% cpu if the game doesn't use all your cores

does this happen in other games?

>.> tacens is known to be bottom tier, i suggest getting a good psu as soon as possible

they have been known to scam reviewers by using a good OEM for testing samples, then changing to bottom tier for production units