GPU What will fit this case?


Jun 30, 2014
I have this case with all the parts in (a8-6600k , 8GB RAM, 1TB HDD etc) but all i need is a gpu im bored of the intergrated.

I was looking ata r9 280 what i want, but i dont think it will fit this case, im sure this case only accepts GPU 260mm and i dont think the r9 280 is that size.

And GPU's what are about £170 MAX and will run games ultra? and fit this case?

It's an average mid tower and people can fit a 780 into a mini ITX tower. I suppose as long as you got a 280 that wasn't a gigabyte windforce card (they're really long) then it'd fit just fine. You could also consider a GTX 760 which offers similar performance and might be a bit shorter than the average 280.

Okay but how come the case says gpu up to 260mm and the r9 280x standard is like 275-280mm?
i really want that card


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