GPU / Win8 problem


Aug 30, 2012
Hi, wonder if anyone can help...

I just upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 8 (32bit). I play World of Warcraft mainly and my FPS has jumped from a steady 50fps to under 5fps making the game virtually unplayable...

The card i have is a HD6950 2GB.

I have tried completely uninstalling the drivers, rebooting, installing the latest ones from the website including the catalyst suite but this hasn't seemed to make any difference.

Could anyone offer some more suggestions as to what the problem may be or what other information you might need?

This must be a Windows 8 issue but i cannot seem to figure it out with my limited knowledge!

Thanks you

Install the 64 bit version of the OS. There are too many issues with 32 bit operating systems and modern graphics cards.
To be honest this is what i play 95% of the time and i've not even installed any other games since upgrading.

I did try switching from DX9 and DX11 but both seem to give the same result.

Thing is, idle, just standing around i'm easily getting 80fps in built up areas but it's as soon as things happen, i.e. in combat with 24 other people etc... It just plummits to under 5fps in situation where previously i'd not seen it below 50fps.

Thanks for the reply.
The driver on the AMD website says supported by Windows 8 yes.

Will i be ok to install the 64bit version? Does this have any specific requirements with CPU/M.Board etc...

Something which has just been mentioned by a friend is to try turn off Windows Defender's Realtime Scan and see if that improves performance so i'll give that a try later. A 'known issue' supposedly.

If i do this is there a low resource using alternative? (ignore me, i can google that! just thinking aloud)
did you simply upgraded to Windows 8 from Windows 7 itself or did you make a complete fresh install.
also download the latest drivers again from amd....the ones specifically made for Windows 8.
update the BIOS aswell

The only requirement for installing a 64 bit OS is a 64 bit CPU and compatible motherboard. 64 bit CPU extensions have been standard since 2005, so it's virtually guaranteed that you'll have them as long as your processor is newer than a Pentium 4 or Athlon XP.

If Windows is a fresh install then WoW is too so based on the fact that you get 80fps just standing around I would say you have some graphic setting different in WoW than you did before and it is more than your system/GPU can handle. Make sure you have the same settings that you had before, lower view distance and water detail. If no luck then I would try the 64bit install.