[SOLVED] GPU Won't fit my case

Jul 6, 2019
Hello I just finished my first build ever, well sorta. I have a thermaltake versa h18 and a rx 590, when i tried to install the 590 it wouldnt fit. It seems like the part that screws into the case doesnt let it go in, any ideas? I checked the cases GPU limit and it seemed fine (unless I misread it)
Hey thanks for replying! Yea I did take all the slot covers, it seems like the card is too wide to fit in them by the looks of it. Any suggestions to avoid this problem in the future?
Hey guys thanks for the advice, my case has a sliding little cover next to my pcie slots and that allowed my gpu to get in, now the only problem is that the screw holes dont line uo properly, any ideas?
Hey Soulami, I just ran across the same issue. I have the same case and a RX 580. My specific model is the Sapphire Nitro+ RX 580 and it fits in the case just fun but the screw holes are all off. My ghetto little fix was to just use zip ties instead of screws and use the thumbscrew cover thingy to clamp it all down.