[SOLVED] GPU works and Displays but My pc cannot detect it

Jun 15, 2020
So I was wondering if I am able to make it where my RX 560 is detected in Device manager.
I do have all drivers installed I set up bios to where its Primary (PCIE)
The gpu shows display on the monitor but it acts as if its a I GPU. And is nor detected at all.
So I was wondering if there are ways to fix it?
Motherboard: ASUS B85M-G
CPU: i3 4170 (3.7ghz)
You have both the integrated and the GPU active. I was seriously expecting to see a you tell us that GPUz said your GPU is fake. LoL

In your Bios, do you have the GPU to Initialize first set to PEG, PCIE, or Add-in Card? I believe you said you did but please double check. Also, there is a setting to have both active. Unless you have 2 monitors, I would suggest turning it off and seeing if the GPU gets detected now.
Is your display cable connected to the the ports on the I/o shield (Where the USB ports are) or connected to the ports on the GPU?

You can download the latest AMD drivers from here: https://www.amd.com/en/support

[edit] I went thru the selection process and according to the results (https://www.amd.com/en/support/graphics/radeon-500-series/radeon-rx-500-series/radeon-rx-560 ) Only 64 bit versions of Windows 7 & 10 are supported.

Are you running 32 bit windows?
on Win10 you would launch file explorer, right click on 'This PC', and select properties. It will be listed in the System section under System Type {ex: System type: 64 bit operating system, x64 bit processor}

on Win7 you click the start button, right click Computer, and select properties.
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You have both the integrated and the GPU active. I was seriously expecting to see a you tell us that GPUz said your GPU is fake. LoL

In your Bios, do you have the GPU to Initialize first set to PEG, PCIE, or Add-in Card? I believe you said you did but please double check. Also, there is a setting to have both active. Unless you have 2 monitors, I would suggest turning it off and seeing if the GPU gets detected now.