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I dont think that is going to work... Both cards can draw something like 70-80W under max load and then you got all the other parts like CPU, mobo, hdds and fans and the like. Also all the power hungry parts need 12V and the psu is unlikely to have all of its rated max wattage on the 12V rail either. So no, don't risk it.
You could upgrade to something like Corsair CX430 v2, shouldn't be too expensive and offers good quality for the money. (and plenty of watts, thou no one really makes any smaller good quality atx-psus anymore..)

but are you sure there is enough watts on the 12V rail of the psu? If the 220W is the total max wattage of the unit then that gets divided between the different voltage rails, 3.3, 5 and 12 volts... I'd be surprised if the 12V rail has 190W and that would mean you would be pushing it really hard. Also PSUs lose some of their max wattage as they get older, the caps dry up and can't provide as much capacitance and current as they used to leading to a loss of output wattage.
Really, your best bet would be to upgrade your PSU now and wait for the HD 8000's GPUS to come out soon, with 8750 being less than months away. You cannot afford to use such a low powered PSU AT ALL for gaming. The reason you need a GPU is gaming right? Well you aren't going to get the best out of your money or hope to run any games with a PSU like that. Sorry for being harsh, but you will get what you want only if you are willing to sacrifice for awhile. I had many such experiences for going for a stupid low end PSU (had to buy 2 more before I finally came to the best one I had). I wasted too much money on a poor PSU. I really don't want you to be the same! Please listen to others and me and upgrade your PSU.

well i know bro that a bad psu will make things more worse, so ok i will be waiting for some more time and hope that hd 8000 series are not too much heavily priced in india 🙁 :cry:

hope it would be around rs 7000 as i will be in 12th so less hope of buying a graphic card next year🙁

hmmmm.....but surely i wont be getting it next year..............and then colleges and that all so no time to play...............🙁 i will try to get rs 2000 more for psu and buy an hd 7750🙁
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