News Grab This 2TB M.2 NVMe SSD For Just 3 Cents per GB

i'm waiting for the 4 TB drives to come down to stupid low prices. i already got 2 TB models and can only be tempted if i can go bigger :)

but i also followed the link and seems like a short term sale cause it back to $79 for 2 tb model.

not in a hurry nor do i actually need the space but i'll be interested at seeing what prime day might bring from the various shops.
Would be nice if NAND manufacturers didn't slaughter production so high capacity drives (4TB+) would continue to fall in price...Or if the vaunted XNAND would actually hit production...
It isn't NAND production. The companies that package the NAND are the ones that want more money per GB on higher capacity m.2 sticks and SSDs. It doesn't cost them more to fill an SSD with NAND beyond the cost of the chips. High capacity drives could have the same per-GB has smaller drives, but they would rather have higher margins.

That said, 4TB m.2 drives are getting pretty close in per GB cost.
Personally I am waiting for a good 4tb deal but awesome to see prices continue to drop for ssds
What is a good deal. If you can deal with SATA they are as cheap as $150. If you want m.2 those are around $190. Apparently there was a decent x4 NVME drive on sale for $160 recently.
of course we're waiting for some of the better drives to drop as much as the lower end ones. pretty obvious really.

that's what we are seeing with 2 TB models. just waiting for some of the better 4tb models to drop crazy low :)
I believe the TBW is 740TB. Rather low for a 2TB storage device. And its PCIE 3.0.
But the price fits a niche market - Hill the shill.
The TBW, if correct, at 740TB would put it at roughly 370 full writes. The lowest I've ever seen. Over the last couple of years this type of storage TBW has gone from 1200 full writes to 600 and now 370? This may be a solution for applications that are mostly read only.