'Grand Theft Auto Online' Mixes Luxury And Business With 'Executives And Other Criminals' Expansion

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Gotta be honest, not that I wasn't really expecting it, but GTAO is crap. It's just constant deathmatching - I get it, it's GTA, but I was hoping for a bit of cooperation or reason for the wanton violence. If I take your car, come after me. I'm just walking down the street? Why the hell do you have to blow me up with an attack helicopter?
alot of kids ruin it... But Ive driven in a parkinglot ... Ran in a gas station robbed it.. And Another player was waiting for me outside... Not to shoot me but to be my gettaway driver. He yells HOP IN.. Im kinda Curious why. We soon became friends in RL and Honestly IT was one of my coolest experiences. Someone who Actually played the game right. The game is Perfect when with REAL friends or even REAL good people. Mean Spirited people Ruin it for everyone and not alot of players play DM or TDM like they used to. Sadly
Gotta be honest, not that I wasn't really expecting it, but GTAO is crap. It's just constant deathmatching - I get it, it's GTA, but I was hoping for a bit of cooperation or reason for the wanton violence. If I take your car, come after me. I'm just walking down the street? Why the hell do you have to blow me up with an attack helicopter?

While it can turn into a giant death match...it all depends on the session (and players to that affect). Last few sessions I've played, not only were there alot of players...but it seemed very team heavy; alot of heists, alot of players riding together and getting into trouble after the events. Thats what makes GTA V Online special to me.

And, PEW PEWin' other players randomly is part of the fun :)
I haven't played this since a couple months before Fallout 4 came out. I have logged about 500 hours online and I really used to like putting it in passive mode and cruising around watching everyone else shooty bang and grenade eachother. Doing the heists is always good fun when you've got a good team, but that is part of the issue there. Sitting in a waiting room for 20 minutes, finally get the last player slot filled, load the heist, and the player quits before the heists starts, or if we have to restart it. I basically lost interest in trying to play this online, which basically made me lost interest in playing it at all, because the story mode is *boring* and uninspired.
Do they still have that wimpy poor sport system where blowing up someone's car sends you to a poor sport lobby for 30 days? Even self defense gets you nailed.

Not to mention their multi-player mission system is still garbage.
GTAO deathmatch is stupid. It should be more like APB Reloaded where missions happen within game, in the environment. Instead of going into a lobby, you que up in-world, then when a match is ready, you don't load into a new level, instead all the other players in the game are still there, their names are just grayed out. They are all still interacting around you while you're in a mission. That's the way GTA should have been.
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