Grand Theft Auto V Gets A First Person Mode

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I wonder what sort of psychological impact this might have on the playing experience. It's one thing to beat up hookers and shoot cops as a third person, but what if it feels like you're the one doing it? Hm.
"Surely the previous generation consoles could handle a first-person experience, right?"

Memory limitations may have played a role in the decision, but another reason would be the framerates achievable on the 360 and PS3. The game can't even maintain a steady 30fps on those consoles, and occasionally dips below 20, which would make playing from a first-person perspective a choppy mess.

The new consoles should at least be able to handle a solid 30fps, though they should have been able to manage 60 considering it's a port of a prior-gen game. I suppose they figure most people will still tend to play from the traditional camera view though, and decided to put those spare resource toward more eye-candy instead.

I am happy to see a first-person mode added though. There have been first-person mods available for previous GTA games on the PC, but I suspect this should offer a more polished experience.
first person view does make it interesting though and i'm glad to see rockstar didn't make this game a copy and paste port game from the ps3 and xbox 360 versions.
I can't believe it's gonna take so much longer for the PC version to be available, what could be holding it back? It must have some optimization problems or runs like crap.
I wonder what sort of psychological impact this might have on the playing experience. It's one thing to beat up hookers and shoot cops as a third person, but what if it feels like you're the one doing it? Hm.

OMG HAHAHA are you serious? Do you work for Jack Thompson or something? xD "Psychological impact"... GTA isn't the only game allowing you to do these things (ever played Postal 2? 😀), and third person doesn't automatically detach you from the character in your head. I welcome the first person mode simply because it might be more comfortable for aiming at the said cops.

Best thing about this mode would be a more competitive PvP DM mode for multiplayer.

Good thinking, and I HOPE there's an easy fast toggle between the two like in Skyrim that doesn't require bringing up the menu. Some things are better done with first person, some with third.

Of course with oculus rift on the horizon, first person mode is must.

Not really. Especially not for a company with a primary focus on consoles. Oculus Rift is cool but many people won't buy it for a long time. I'll upgrade my GPU and switch to Mini-ITX or possibly even a gaming laptop before I bother with anything VR.

This game is going to be terrible only running at 30fps on "next-gen"

Like pretty much everything else on consoles. What else is new? xD

if they do this the way they made gta4 and now @4k, no one will be able to play this game at 4k.

Most people anyhow can't play at UHD (stop calling it 4K, that's 4096×2160) because the GPUs just aren't ready. I'm not too bothered about it.

This will be a most welcome addition. The whole over-the-shoulder aiming bit = poop.

It wasn't so bad in GTA SA and 4... these games are not as heavily focused on shooting as, say, Battlefield or Crysis are. Of course first person mode is great to have but until now I haven't even thought of it in GTA, never really missed it.

I can't believe it's gonna take so much longer for the PC version to be available, what could be holding it back? It must have some optimization problems or runs like crap.

Or R* is just lazy and happy with the $ they got from the X360/PS3 version. But surely that can't be, R* is a company that really cares for PC gamers and always tries to deliver their games to us as quick as possible! Oh wait...
Curious, Since when is 30 FPS bad? you do realize all the movies you watch are only at 23.976 FPS (for NTSC) and you dont bitch about those. I know a game that can do 60+ fps is less likely to slow down to unplayable frame rates. Maybe the 30 FPS is a soft limit so as to no over work the GPU unnesscessarily.

4k or UHD whatever you call it is just a way for them to test the waters and see what issues they will have down the road when it's the mainstream (if ever).

And adding First person actually taxes the game engine slightly less IMO you dont have to check for the camera running into scenary anymore. Most of the extras they are adding are totally optional. The only addition with the first person thats needed is the hiding behind cover and such and being able to see like you can in 3rd person.

my 2 cents.
Curious, Since when is 30 FPS bad? you do realize all the movies you watch are only at 23.976 FPS (for NTSC) and you dont bitch about those.

Are you kidding? Since when is 30 fps bad? Since... like... years? (unless you're a console gamer, then of course it's "awesome" and "totally enough") And I LOVE that new movies are being shot at higher framerates. 24 fps SUCKS and I'm glad it's being phased out in cinema as well. I can ALWAYS tell a difference between a movie and a news clip on TV because of framerate. Movies get away with 24 fps because there isn't nearly as much action as in games and I can clearly see the low framerate when there is.

What do you mean "overwork GPU unnecessarily"? If I'm getting better framerate and it's not overheating, it IS necessary. That's the thing's job, you know. No offense, but do you work for Ubisoft or something? 30 fps *is* unplayable for me unless it's a turn-based strategy or something... 60 fps is a long-standing standard for proper gaming and even that isn't the best thing around anymore (since we have 144 Hz monitors) and they still think 30 is decent... xD

UHD is *already* mainstream, since even Acer and Lenovo are now making laptops with such screens... another topic is how GPUs can't keep up with it at all and you can't game unless you set your games to Full HD. But for *mainstream* buyers it won't matter. MORE PIXELS! (though sadly they don't always act like that, market wouldn't still be full of ugly 768p screens otherwise)

Agreed about the first person being less taxing. Easily noticeable even in Skyrim. (And if it isn't, it simply means you need more graphics mods xD)
Wow flogtr, I am so amazed at your hypocrisy that I'm not sure where to even begin. While I think I understand the gist of your message, you are criticizing not just this game franchise for unethical content, but all those who play the games as unethical, yet in the same breath you call gay people cowards, you consider the act of killing people as "American propaganda", equate American games and rap music to incest, and then go on to insist that the only games from America are about killing and destroying, and that NONE are about creating or building something, and then have the audacity to call others that about right?

Don't feed the troll.
I wonder what sort of psychological impact this might have on the playing experience. It's one thing to beat up hookers and shoot cops as a third person, but what if it feels like you're the one doing it? Hm.
Actually, someone did a study about that in a game that came out nearly 5 years ago that allowed you to customize your character so that it actually looked like you.
Did not have any noticeable impact on the people playing the game, though the study was very small and not well publicized.
To people who wish to find it, it was linked in a comment on Gamespot and the link is now dead so unfortunately I cannot help you. Wishing at this point that I had saved that webpage.

Too late, I already gave him 4 courses...

Heard great things about the "glass jaw" system (my words). First thing I wanna do is run around supermaning everyone I see till I knock someone out cold. Don't care how many times I get "wasted".
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