The new consoles and Windows PC will get a first-person mode.
Grand Theft Auto V Gets A First Person Mode : Read more
Grand Theft Auto V Gets A First Person Mode : Read more
I wonder what sort of psychological impact this might have on the playing experience. It's one thing to beat up hookers and shoot cops as a third person, but what if it feels like you're the one doing it? Hm.
Best thing about this mode would be a more competitive PvP DM mode for multiplayer.
Of course with oculus rift on the horizon, first person mode is must.
This game is going to be terrible only running at 30fps on "next-gen"
if they do this the way they made gta4 and now @4k, no one will be able to play this game at 4k.
This will be a most welcome addition. The whole over-the-shoulder aiming bit = poop.
I can't believe it's gonna take so much longer for the PC version to be available, what could be holding it back? It must have some optimization problems or runs like crap.
Curious, Since when is 30 FPS bad? you do realize all the movies you watch are only at 23.976 FPS (for NTSC) and you dont bitch about those.
Actually, someone did a study about that in a game that came out nearly 5 years ago that allowed you to customize your character so that it actually looked like you.I wonder what sort of psychological impact this might have on the playing experience. It's one thing to beat up hookers and shoot cops as a third person, but what if it feels like you're the one doing it? Hm.