Graphic Card AND Monitor Broken at same time?


May 29, 2016
Today both my Computer Monitor connected via DVI broke and probably my Graphics Card as well but it could be something else. I need help to figure out if it's my Graphic Card or something else.

System Specs

Operating System: Windows 7 Professional 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_ldr.160408-2045)

System Model: GA-890GPA-UD3H
BIOS: Award Modular BIOS v6.00PG
Processor: AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 965 Processor (4 CPUs), ~3.4GHz
Memory: 8192MB RAM
Available OS Memory: 7678MB RAM
Page File: 1871MB used, 13482MB available
DirectX Version: DirectX 11

What Happened: My second of three connected monitors experienced vertical lines before shutting down on it's own. At first my other monitors did not seem effected. After rebooting my PC I noticed a RED TINT on the damaged monitor and some more vertical lines and it went out again.

I pretty much know the monitor is messed up because it won't even work on another PC or with replacement DVI cables and I tried VGA cables as well. My monitor does the same thing.

Now the Graphic Card Issue: On top of both of that I now can't boot my PC in normal mode. On the Motherboard Screen that prompts me to press "DEL" for bios it has a series of vertical dots that don't move or flicker in the image. But these dots are not present in the windows loading screen. Finally the PC never loads past the Windows loading screen. I don't hear the sound that the login password screen has been reached so I don't think it's loading at all. Even with no monitor connected my PC still plays a sound and reaches the Password Screen.

What have I tried? :

1. I have booted the PC successfully in both Safe Mode or selecting Onboard Graphics from the Bios Screen!
2. I have used system restore AND completely reinstalled ATI drivers and software. This did not change anything.
3. I checked the wiring and ports for damage but have yet to open up my PC. I plan to either reinsert the Video Card or buy a new one soon.

What would you suggest? And did my Monitor Break the GPU or did the GPU break my monitor? It's strange.

Update***: Thanks Maxwellmelon I assume you may be right. Somehow the monitor killed my ATI 7870. I replaced it with a R9 380. My computer works now however the GFX Post Screen, that normally says Press DEL to enter bios is very messed up. I can't recognize the image or any words. It's random pattern of atari level rectangle colored garbled nonsense. This means my PSU,Motherboard or PCI-E slot is damaged or Bios is somewhat corrupted? But I can still access Bios if I press Del and it looks and operates fine. The PC runs perfectly even better then before, I stress tested the PC various ways, temps and voltage are in the green! So besides the corrupted post screen at boot it's fine. I may need to research what to do next or just leave it. Thanks!

Strange but true...dum dum dummmmmmm :)

Based off the fact the monitor wont work at all I would say your monitor power supply messed up and sent a small surge into your video card while also frying the monitor itself.

sounds like you will need to replace the video card. Safe mode booting keeps the the video card in basic mode so it doesn't do much. but during the windows boo(normal boot) when the drivers for the video card are loaded it goes into all funtions enabled. but if part of the card is damaged it waiting for fucntions to be enabled that cant be.
Strange but true...dum dum dummmmmmm :)

Based off the fact the monitor wont work at all I would say your monitor power supply messed up and sent a small surge into your video card while also frying the monitor itself.

sounds like you will need to replace the video card. Safe mode booting keeps the the video card in basic mode so it doesn't do much. but during the windows boo(normal boot) when the drivers for the video card are loaded it goes into all funtions enabled. but if part of the card is damaged it waiting for fucntions to be enabled that cant be.