Hello everyone! I got a few questions for you. I want to buy a new PSU and upgrade my GPU. I got a few psus in mind so i'm asking you which one is better. Also if you have something way better in mind i would really appreciate if ypu guys will tell me but has to be in the same budget.
Note: I live in Romania so the prices are way higher but i will convert them in US dollars
Ok so here are the prices(these PSUs are going to combo with either a RX580 or a GTX 1060.)
Corsair CXM 650W(the grey label)-86$
Seasonic S2II 620W-80$
EVGA Nex 600w B1- 82$
If you guys have other suggestions in the same budget that'll be great.
Also,now the main question. RX 580 or Gtx 1060?
Note: I live in Romania so the prices are way higher but i will convert them in US dollars
Ok so here are the prices(these PSUs are going to combo with either a RX580 or a GTX 1060.)
Corsair CXM 650W(the grey label)-86$
Seasonic S2II 620W-80$
EVGA Nex 600w B1- 82$
If you guys have other suggestions in the same budget that'll be great.
Also,now the main question. RX 580 or Gtx 1060?