Graphic card glitching?


May 9, 2014
Hey, two days ago i started noticing a high amount of glitching or you could call it screen tearing or a lot of flickering colored lines, mostly white, while playing games.I tried using the built in Intel graphics which works fine. So i'm wondering, is my graphic card broken (Nvidia GTX 675MX By the way)? The glitches and flickering only happens in-game and not happening casually. I tried Downgrading the Graphic card with no luck. I'm using an MSI GT70 Laptop.

I already tried that, but didn't make any difference.
Is factory resetting my Laptop an option?
The Card is not overheated, the highest it hits is 53*C. But i noticed that in the Nvidia Control panel, even the 3D Nvidia logo preview is glitching and stuff. I guess i could add a picture if someone wants.
seeing that the onchip graphics you say works fine and this just started 2 days or so ago did you download something just prior to this issue to remove to see if its the cause? or maby it took a shock from something like falling off the desk and hitting the floor or slamming it closed??

No, but it happened when i played Star wars Battlefront 2, which is pretty old and may have caused problems, other than that i really don't know. Maybe i uninstalled something though. I remember having to make some space.

I already tried that, but didn't make any difference.
Is factory resetting my Laptop an option?
don't know -- what all is it going to be ''reset''?? that sounds like something you have to decide on your own. and it looks like if the card was going bad where would you get a replacement ? I don't see them at newegg.. dude I really don't know what more to say now on this... I guess you uninstalled the star wars game to see if it did something?

Well thanks anyways. And i deleted Steam to try as well, so i will do a factory reset tomorrow i guess then, if that doesn't work i'll probably get my Graphics card checked or buy a new one...