Graphic card, processor combos?


Apr 23, 2013
Hi... For gaming I'm trying to ascertain what the best processor / graphic card combo would be out of...

i5-3570K and gigabyte 7950


Amd fx-8320 and gigabyte 7970

Currently I'm on a 720p screen but looking to upgrade soon to 1920 x 1280

(On £650 budget overall, rest of build on request but on ipad so getting info is not high on my priority list :) )
am3 path will be upgradable, intel path wont with the new haswell chips coming out. if you go amd (i would go 7970/8530) you will be set, as long as multi threading is utilized. if you go intel do not get an i7 if you are just gaming, just go with the 3570k and your good to go. either way is a good option, i would really recommend you go i5 3570k and 7970, but if you cant do that then go amd

Ehh, I guess games I play mostly consist of games such as: skyrim, bf3, criysis, total war series etcetera... What would be reccomeneded for these kinds of games (also looking to buy in 2 months time so if there is anything better and affordable coming out in the mean time it would make no difference to me waiting...) one other queery I have is wether going the AM3+ path I'd be making my upgrade ability little to none? Or will an i7 produce an unsubstantial gameing boost in the futue... I believe the Haswell chips will be socket 1050 as opposed to 1055?
am3 path will be upgradable, intel path wont with the new haswell chips coming out. if you go amd (i would go 7970/8530) you will be set, as long as multi threading is utilized. if you go intel do not get an i7 if you are just gaming, just go with the 3570k and your good to go. either way is a good option, i would really recommend you go i5 3570k and 7970, but if you cant do that then go amd

Thanks... I'll see how it pans out financially but hopefully I can go i5 with 7970!!!