[SOLVED] Graphic Card under 200 Dollars.??


Jan 28, 2011
My rig specs,
*Intel DH55TC mobo
*Intel core i5-650 processor
*8GB Transcend DDR3 RAM
*XFX Radeon HD 5570 Graphic Card

My current graphic Card runs Battlefield 4 at very low resolution like a carton game so I'm thinkin of buying a new graphic Card for my rig.

Suggest me a good graphic Card under 200 Dollars which could run new/upcoming games at medium/high resolution.

Thanks in advance :)

any day of the week: amd radeon 7870, if your lucky a 7950. both are amazing cards and should at least get you medium with good settings, the 7950 especially will run decent settings on high with bf4 and the like. check out newegg it's currently black november and good deals can be had all month.

Here in India 7870 costs about 300 dollars mate that is way out of my budget 🙁 any other cards in my budget range.??
650Ti boost is your best option as recommended by others.However if you play at 720p which i am quite sure you do i would save some more money and go for the normal 650Ti for even cheaper.650Ti is about 10k while 650ti boost is about 14k.

HD 7850, it is equal in performance to 650ti boost.


I want to double check weter this card is compatible with my mobo,
Mine is Intel DH55TC mobo(ATX cabinet).. As far as I have researched it is compatible, just wanted to know an expert's advice.!!!!!

Yes it is compatible, it has a Pcie slot.

Thx :)