Graphic Design CPU. AMD vs. Intel


Nov 13, 2014
Just trying to get a feel among the masses, which is better for graphic design, AMD or Intel? I have looked over a dozen different articles and none of them can singularly point to a unanimous conclusion. Some of the dated articles mentioned how until Bulldozer dropped on the AMD CPU's they wouldn't be able to compete. I don't know a ton about CPU's but am curious on what you think. This will be my main work computer build and I have no real limit on the money I spend on the CPU (though I would like to keep it at or less then $400). Possible suggestions I have seen include the i7-5930K and the AMD FX-9590. I just want to know what you guys think.

To be 100% straight forward, I mainly do graphic design for companies and do my own artwork on the side in stuff like Manga Studio or Photoshop. I also do animations in Flash. Those three tasks are my primary use for this new computer. I have heard before that companies would load only the needed programs and a lower tier computer would work. So, any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
The AMD cpu real performance can not even hold up to a haswell i5.
Even a Xeon or an i7-4790k would be significantly better then the best AMD has to offer.

As far as the 5930k it comes down to how large of files you are dealing with (size, ppi, resolution) to know if the added cost over a 4790k is justifiable. The 5390k uses a different socket and ddr4 memory which is at minimum $300 more then the 4790k and supporting motherboard and memory.

For GPU you defiantly want NVIDIA though because those programs are designed to take advantage of cuda cores. A GTX 960 would be a good fit.