Just trying to get a feel among the masses, which is better for graphic design, AMD or Intel? I have looked over a dozen different articles and none of them can singularly point to a unanimous conclusion. Some of the dated articles mentioned how until Bulldozer dropped on the AMD CPU's they wouldn't be able to compete. I don't know a ton about CPU's but am curious on what you think. This will be my main work computer build and I have no real limit on the money I spend on the CPU (though I would like to keep it at or less then $400). Possible suggestions I have seen include the i7-5930K and the AMD FX-9590. I just want to know what you guys think.
To be 100% straight forward, I mainly do graphic design for companies and do my own artwork on the side in stuff like Manga Studio or Photoshop. I also do animations in Flash. Those three tasks are my primary use for this new computer. I have heard before that companies would load only the needed programs and a lower tier computer would work. So, any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
To be 100% straight forward, I mainly do graphic design for companies and do my own artwork on the side in stuff like Manga Studio or Photoshop. I also do animations in Flash. Those three tasks are my primary use for this new computer. I have heard before that companies would load only the needed programs and a lower tier computer would work. So, any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.