Graphics box on screen upon awakening on new Asus 752 laptop

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Mar 14, 2016
I have a new Asus 752vy laptop. Upon opening the lid from sleep state, there is a square box, around 2" by 2" in the middle of the screen. It contains a sort of static hashed bit of graphics. It's hard to really describe it. It only flashes on the screen momentarily. There does not appear to be any other problem with the graphics when playing games such as Witcher 3 and Rise of the Tomb Raider. Has anyone ever heard of this? Are there any opinions on whether or not this is something that should concern me?

It's the first time I've heard such issue with a laptop because you normally get those with desktop PC and it's with the monitor normally. If ever you can post a picture of that image you saw whenever you wake it up from sleep that would be much appreciated. You try some basic troubleshooting steps that may also help. :)
- Start by running Windows Updates and install all the updates available.
- Next is to do a clean install of the graphics card driver.
- Go to Device Manager and uninstall the Nvidia graphics driver.
- Once done, check Programs and Features and uninstall anything related to Nvidia.
- Next is to download and install the latest driver.
- Here's the link:
- Reboot your laptop once the latest driver has been installed.
- After the reboot do observe again and see if the same problem will persist or not.


Mar 14, 2016
Thanks so much for replying to me. Upfront, I apologize for the length of what follows. Although I did a screen shot as soon as it popped up, the box of static never showed up. Every time I put the computer to sleep, by closing the lid, I got the same thing.

Following your advice, I did the check Windows and was up to date. On a restart (before I started the process to reinstall the graphics drivers) I noticed that Origin, one of the gaming platforms on my laptop, was loading. The problem persisted after that. I disabled Origin running at startup and the problem hasn't recurred. The problem, from a troubleshooting perspective, is that even when I re-enabled Origin running at start-up it still didn't happen and hasn't since. With that, it's hard to tell if Origin was the culprit. I'm definitely beginning to think that it is software-related. I think I shouldn't reinstall the graphic driver, at least for a while, to see if the problem pops up again. Do you think that is the reasonable way to proceed?

Another detail I should have mentioned (i'm blaming age and post-operative pain pills :) ) is that I had this same machine, purchased directly from the Asus store, which had this same problem. I returned it based on their technical support saying it was probably hardware. Because Asus doesn't have an exchange process I bought this replacement from Newegg. Do you agree that it's unlikely that both would have the same problem if it was hardware?

Sorry to go on, but I want to get this right. I'm a 64 year old woman with a love of games and this is probably the last gaming machine I will buy in my life.

Thanks again for your help.

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