Graphics card and mobo for fx 6300

zorro bravo

Feb 27, 2016
What mobo and gpu should I get for my fx 6300? I have basically a $200-250 budget for these 2 parts. I'm trying to mostly run BF4 1080p and all that business. An overall budget of $600-700 for the whole PC including monitor and OS. THanks for all your help.

ok thanks. no r9 380 then? and I was thinking of getting the 4gb version instead of the 2gb. So I'm down to either the 960 4 gb or r9 380 4gb. Which is best?

Update: sorry your last post didn't load. so the r9 380 4gb it is then?

redo the link because there is no parts in the list.


ok I think I'll get the 380 then. and for the links you have to copy the little link the website gives you, not the web adress. just an fyi.

yep now i got it. Except I'm getting the 380 and don't need two monitors (yet). and i should get the cooler to OC the cpu? Do i need a cd drive too ?
you only need one to install windows from your disc unless you plan on buying a key and downloading the ISO file onto a usb drive. that cooler is nice for gaming whether you overclock or not its nice and cheap and very nice. and did i put 2 monitors on the list? sorry didnt realize that means cheaper for you :)

ok i'd rather just using a disk then. and a 15-20 $ disk drive will do then?