Graphics card better than r9 280x

Connor French

Apr 29, 2014
I am looking for a card that has better performance than the r9 280x for games but doesn't cost too much more. Is the gtx 680 good or gtx 770? I don't know much. Thank you
I'd HIGHLY recommend the NVIDIA GTX 770, don't get the standard one though, get the ASUS DIRECTCU II OC 770 that's an awesome one! I own the NVIDIA GTX 770 and it maxes out ALL of the games I own in 1080p with at least 80fps maxed out everything! Even dual monitor gaming this card is still pretty OP, anyway you really should get the ASUS GTX 770, not too expensive.

I can easily max out Battlefield 4 with this, I've hit a CPU bottleneck though so I may not know the true capabilities of this GPU until I upgrade.
I'd say r9 290, but make sure to get a 3rd party manufacturer (ASUS, XFX etc.) although I understand that advice isn't really necessary to say. Anyways, 290 is much cheaper then 290x and runs cooler.
why not buy another r9 280x run it in crossfireX. it will give you a large performance boost. even better than 780 ti. a r9 280x is a high end graphix card when there's 2 of them micro stutter won't be much of a problem really. electricity is going to be a minor problem. if it is going to be a big problem for you then go for a gtx 780 or r9 290,290x. they cost somewhat more than r9 280x