Solution bicycle_repair_man Sep 30, 2015 Yes, but you'd probably be better off disabling the APU graphics and just using a dedicated GPU. Here's a list of APUs and their recommended GPUs;
Yes, but you'd probably be better off disabling the APU graphics and just using a dedicated GPU. Here's a list of APUs and their recommended GPUs;
bicycle_repair_man Splendid Jan 10, 2014 5,751 2 28,960 Sep 30, 2015 Solution #2 Yes, but you'd probably be better off disabling the APU graphics and just using a dedicated GPU. Here's a list of APUs and their recommended GPUs; Upvote 0 Downvote Solution
Yes, but you'd probably be better off disabling the APU graphics and just using a dedicated GPU. Here's a list of APUs and their recommended GPUs;