Graphics card for my build.


Jul 10, 2013
For my build i cant decide between the Radeon HD 7950 and the EVGA geforce GTX 660.

I will be playing games like battlefield 3, GTA IV, and Garry's Mod at high or ultra settings.

All suggestions are welcome. Thank you in advance
Second vote for the 760 - it's bloody INCREDIBLE for the price.

EDIT: Upgrader, give me a break. A good 660 will get ~50 fps on the ultra preset at 1080p, there's no way it's getting more fps at a higher resolution. The 7950 is also a significantly more powerful card... but is beat by the 760 for less money.

I'd have to argue with that. I do get on average 60FPS or more. Luck of the draw eh? Soon ill be SLI with it for BF4 hopefully running on high

Yep that's exactly what I'm saying. The GTX 660 non-Ti. EVGA says it gets 55FPS average on ultra preset on BF3. I get 60

I said it was an opinion. I see you favor Radeon, I'm sorry that crossing your beliefs makes you mad. My last radeon GPU I started it on fire in my garage with gasoline I didn't like it wasn't running good and it was a 6670 lol
I said it was an opinion. I see you favor Radeon, I'm sorry that crossing your beliefs makes you mad. My last radeon GPU I started it on fire in my garage with gasoline I didn't like it wasn't running good and it was a 6670 lol

That is seriously retarded, that makes no sense whatsoever, and this is coming from someone who has owned a gtx 400 series all the way up to 700 series.

Man I thought this website was friendly. I can do what I want, and burning it wasnt a bad idea since it was about broken already from 4 years of use buddy so I don't see a problem there.
1) Stop double posting, or at least go back and delete your posts.

2) AMD graphics cards have NOTHING to do with AMD processors, and actually run better with Intel processors. (Tom's did a piece on this a while back.)

3) Just because you had a low-end part you didn't like doesn't mean every other part is bad.

4) What you're saying, I'm sorry, is just not possible. Did you look at the review I linked? There is no way that I will believe that a normal 660 will stably and consistently give you more than 60fps on an ultra preset of battlefield 3 with at least 4xAA at 1200p. I won't believe that until I'm given video proof showing CPUz and GPUz validation, along with gameplay including action. It's simply beyond the card's limits, luck of the draw isn't that big, and the difference between 1080p and 1200p is fairly significant. you're a time traveler, too? Impressive.
The HD 6670 was released in February of 2011, just over two years ago.

Usually we are quite friendly, but when someone comes in spouting claims that can't be backed up, we aren't going to let him go undisturbed; there are a lot of people who read these forums, will get false ideas in their head, and will be upset or disappointed when those ideas turn out to be incorrect.

My opinion is an opinion sir, it doesn't mean I'm right. There is no right or wrong choice picking between AMD or Nvidia. Its merely opinion. Now, if you are very desperate for video I can record for you since everything nowaday needs proof and people cant simply trust words.

Also, is it so that AMD GPUs perform better with intel? Well I guess I've been proven wrong. I've heard it does but if tom proves intel is better I believe it. Thankyou for updating me with that, I don't pay much attention to AMD products since I'm not too interested with them but thank you

Really? Not even 4 years? Wow. My buddy sold me a PC with it saying it was cheap and not bad to break. With a AMD 4100 FX with it. Is that good? I'm not sure. I don't like AMD you tell me
I do happily trust words, but some words are easier to trust than others; I simply find it incredible that a 660 could run BF3 on ultra at 1200p with more than 60 fps since nobody elses can do that at 1080p. Are you running completely without AA and AF?

That rumour used to be pretty common, which is why Tom's did the article on it. Turns out that while Nvidia cards don't perform better either way, AMD cards benefit a fair bit from the more efficient architecture of Intel.

And yeah, your buddy was correct in that it was a cheap PC - that's fairly low-end, which is likely why you disliked it so much. The 4100 FX was not a very good chip, and was outperformed by the better Phenom IIs (which were cheaper.)

I'm pretty sure it is at Ultra Preset when I play I don't think I messed with any settings. Wait, I disabled blur effect. I just don't like it, do you think its vital or no? And yeah thatscwhy I trashed that PC lol I bought it for 275 $ he said he got it from someone else although I don't know who. Anyways I built my own and I'm fine with it, I'm going to buy a ASUS GTX 660 to SLI with too