Graphics Card (GTX 470)

Teo Gerovski

Aug 13, 2014
Hello Guys.I have one question about Gigabyte Geforce GTX470 1280mb DDR5 320bit.Is this good graphics card i want to buy it.Is this card will reslove my fps and fps be high and high graphics ?? i want to buy it is this good graphics card for games like Flight Simulator X (FSX) GTA IV Far Cry for fps and etc ... ??
A GTX470 is a little weaker (one tier) than a GTX750Ti. If you post your budget, and where you can buy, we can suggest the best alternatives for you. We will also need to know the brand and model (not just wattage) of your PSU. The GTX750Ti uses very little power; many versions do not need a PCIe power connection.

its not the best but its not the worse either .. it raising your fps all depends on which card you were using before the 470 .. which card are you replacing ?
A GTX470 is a little weaker (one tier) than a GTX750Ti. If you post your budget, and where you can buy, we can suggest the best alternatives for you. We will also need to know the brand and model (not just wattage) of your PSU. The GTX750Ti uses very little power; many versions do not need a PCIe power connection.
No. It would be what I would consider a budget graphics card because it is so old. What kind of budget do you have?

I would go with a GTX 760 to start but if it is too expensive then maybe an older gtx 660ti or 670.

A lot of people are waiting for the new 900s to come out before buying.

If you had to go with a GTX 470 consider getting a second one and SLIing them together. Just remember SLI doubles the performance not the memory so if you are looking at a 4K monitor then this solution will not work.

if you had a bit more cash and could get a higher card like another member just mentioned i would say a gtx 750 ti or above would do you the world of good
The 470 would do alright in the games you listed up to 1080p, I think. But the GTX 400 series is getting very old and will be slower and hotter and draw about twice as much power as comparable newer products. It would be better to tell us how much you want to spend, and we might find a more modern alternative.

I wouldn't recommend buying used unless you're getting a really great price. But if you are, just keep in mind that the GTX 470 will perform about as well as cards available today for approximately $150 or less.
Better alternative than the 470 would be a used 580, preferably 3GB, though if you have no intention
of ever using more than one GPU then a 750 Ti is a good option. Depends if you want maximum value
via used-items, or prefer new for proper warranty.

Top-end used 560 Tis are also good, espcially in SLI (faster than a 670).



yea roughly 30 to 40 fps as i said or more depending on your other pc specs..please list your specs
Processor: Intel Dual Core CPU E5700 3.00GHz
Graphics Card: nVidia GeForce GT220 1GB
Ram Memory: 4GB DDR3
and 500GB HDD

On my favorite game i have 5-6 fps with all objects and without objects i have 20 fps how much fps i will be with this graphics ??

oh so your on a socket 775 motherboard.. the performance probably take a little hit with the processor you have in.. you can get a used core 2 quad or core 2 duo thats more powerful for like $20 or $30 on ebay now i would recommend getting one if you can to get the full performance from your card.. but it will still be okay with processor you have though just not performing at its best because of the bottleneck

i have a radeon 4850 that is older than your card and probably weaker and i got a solid 40 fps on high details in far cry 3 and 30+ on gta iv so you will get a something above my results

Component Minimum system requirement
Operating system Windows 7, Windows Vista, or Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2)
Computer processor 1.0 gigahertz (GHz)
Memory 256 megabytes (MB) of RAM for Windows XP SP2
512 MB RAM for Windows 7 and Windows Vista
Hard disk space 14 gigabytes (GB) available hard disk space
Video card 32 MB DirectX 9-compatible video card
DVD drive 32x speed
Sound Sound card, speakers, or headset
Pointing device Keyboard and mouse or compatible game controller (Xbox 360 Controller for Windows)
Internet connection for online play Network adapter for LAN multiplayer gameplay
Broadband Internet access for Windows Live multiplayer gameplay

you should be able to breeze through that game with even the gt 220 honestly

That game is eight years old, I have no doubts that the GTX 470 is more than enough to run it with any details you want.

But like I said earlier, unless you're getting an absurdly good deal on the GTX 470 I'd rather recommend you invest in slightly more up-to-date tech. The 470 will draw twice as much power (and therefore get twice as hot) as a modern card that's just as fast.

well with the 470 you wont have to worry about the fps dropping because its way faster than the gt 220 .. i still recommend that if you could save a bit more and buy a more recent card it would be better for you in the future.. never the less if this is the card you want i guarantee it will play your selection of ga,es without fuss..
You have not specified your PSU. A GTX470 needs a lot of power. If you are running a GT220 now, even a GTX750 is a substantial upgrade, and also does not need auxiliary power.
Plugging a GTX470 into a system that cannot power it will overload your PSU. If you're lucky (or it's a good PSU), it will just shut down. If you are unlucky, or the PSU is low-quality, it will burn, possibly killing other parts of your system.