Graphics card is shutting down


Mar 16, 2014
Hey, I recently got a graphics card for my computer and installed it myself. Whenever I tried playing games, or even longer videos at times, it would crash my display. The computer would stay on though. I always have to hit the power button to shut down, then reboot, but other than telling me I didn't shut down properly, it always seems to be fine. As a point of reference, i've been playing Company of Heroes 2 (worked ok before the graphics card), and the Elder Scrolls online beta. Videos play fine, but it has crashed a few times on longer videos. Is the system underpowered somehow? I really don't know much about specs and what all is entailed in upgrading different aspects of my computer, so talk slowly.. 😉

Windows 7 64-bit OS
Pentium dual core CPU E5800 @ 3.20GHz 3.20GHz
NVIDIA GeForce GT 610 (Driver is current)
So I'm guessing you're getting a "display driver has stopped responding" message? That's what I'm getting from this. If that's the case, most likely your card is unstable. Using a program like MSI afterburner, lower your core and memory clocks by 25mhz. There's a few other things that can cause this, but this is the most common one that I see and is easily fixed.

Hey, yeah, I had to search for the error message, but that sounds right. Ok, I'm downloading afterburner now, I'm assuming it'll be fairly obvious how I go about lowering my clocks? Thanks for the info!!

I see that sort of problem all the time. The most common issue is that the card is unstable. When you get into MSi afterburner, you'll see a bunch of slider bars. Just fond the ones for the core and memory and lower them by 25. That usually fixes the issue.

Shoot, I tried it and it shut down again... I set my core from 820 to 795, and my memory clock from 500 to 475. Do those numbers sound right? Any other ideas? The top two sliders are core voltage (mV) and power limit (%), both of which are at the minimum, should they be registering something? Thanks again, I'm hopeless with this...

First step. The power limit should be at 100. Second, try reinstalling your video drivers.
First step. The power limit should be at 100. Second, try reinstalling your video drivers.[/quotemsg]

I've tried playing with the settings, but I can't seem to make the power limit adjust... Is it possible that I didn't connect the power source correctly? Or would it not work at all that way? Sorry this is proving to be difficult...