Graphics Card Makers Shipping DDR4-Based Nvidia GT 1030 GPUs

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The best I can possibly attempt, if I'm being generous, is that these are meant to replace the old DDR3 version of the GT 730 for OEM use (ie: just something to give you the ability to hook up more monitors).

Hopefully it's just that, and that they're WAY cheaper, and NOT that they're trying to slip these by hoping to catch people who don't spot the difference....
I suppose slower memory could make these a lot worse at mining certain currencies.
The question is, how much does it really impact performance of a low-end card like this?
I think a 1030 with slower memory might still be competitive with ryzen 2400G/2200G, as those are also limited to DDR4. If the price is right (meaning below the original $80 1030 MSRP), it could make sense as an upgrade for people with certain intel configurations. But if the price is inflated like current 1030s, forget about it.
GPU-Z is showing GDDR5 (Micron) as memory type on my MSI GT 1030. I wonder if it will correctly show DDR4 for those cards...

Look at the different positions in the GPU Hierarchy Chart of the GT 730 64-bit GDDR5 versus the GT 730 128-bit DDR3.

It can make a huge difference.

(Ignore the GT 730 128-bit GDDR5 entry - I'm not sure what that is supposed to be, I think that's a spurious entry as I don't believe any such card exists)


The problem with such a comparison is that the integrated Vega graphics in those Ryzen processors is already being held back by the slower memory. It's likely that those IGPs would be notably faster if they had access to GDDR5. And as far as new budget builds are concerned, you still need a separate processor to go with a GT 1030, so it's still not exactly all that competitive from a cost perspective, especially with GT 1030s all priced over $100 now. A DDR4 1030 might manage to cost a bit less, but the cards only have 2GB of VRAM, so it's unlikely that cheaper memory will make that much of a price difference.
And they should cost $30, no more. Hell, the igpu alone of the 2400G is worth less than that considering you get a nice 4c/8t equal to an i7 7700 for $169 igpu included.

This crappy new 1030's would be way worse than a Ryzen 2200G igpu.
Yeah, make no sense when you can just buy the 2200G with bot cpu and gpu for $99 vs a 1030 that will probably cost $79 being lucky.

Just sell your old system and get new mobo+ram.

Uh... no. The 730 GDDR3 is a rebrand of the older gen card, while the GT730 GDDR5 is truly part of the 700 series family.
64-bit DDR3 GT730 is Kepler at 902MHz
64-bit GDDR5 GT730 is exactly the same but with 2.75x the memory bandwidth
128-bit DDR3 GT730 is the old Fermi chip with only 1/4 as many shaders. To be fair those shaders run 2x as fast as Kepler's so effectively is half as many shaders--if it ran at the same clock. It doesn't as the 40nm Fermi version runs at only 700MHz. Sadly, it also has only half as many ROPs too, so the 2x memory bandwidth vs the 64-bit DDR3 version can in no way make up for the less than halved pixel-pushing power. It's probably worse than the Kepler GT710.
There is no 128-bit GDDR5 version of the GT730 listed here.
Memory speed has a huge influence, as shown on those Ryzen AGPs.
Dropping speed by 30% (from 3.0 GHz to 2.1 GHz) will give you almost the same reduction in performance.
Using a proper motherboard those Ryzens can be paired with memory >3 GHz, which will give them the advantage.
CONSUMER CONFIDENCE in a products performance should be the primary focus. If they reduce the MEMORY bandwidth and/or GPU frequency they should rename it go GT1020 or whatever...

Sure there will be people who have more than enough performance for basic tasks that don't care and that's fine for them but it still needs to be fair to those who, for example, google "GT1030" benchmarks and expect similar performance to whatever they find.
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