Graphics card making wierd noice on startup


Apr 14, 2015
So I got this problem with my graphics card, when I turn on my computer. My graphics card fan turn on, then off, then back on again but this time with a wierd sound, and then it just start all over with shutting off then on, repeat. it's not that loud but you can hear it. Please help me. My graphics card is a AMD RADEON HD 7870

Ps. There is no input to the screen either

Pps. All other fans are spinning, I tried to Un plug all the unnecessary ones, but didn't help.
I have a corsair cx600, been running fine until I decided to switch my case out to a new and better one, and since then It haven't worked. I tried reseating the card multiple times, with no good result, and the pci connecters are as they should

I don't know if your pc has onboard graphics but if it does, do they work?
It's unlikely but did you ground yourself to help with static when installing the card?
Firstly, have you tried updating/reinstalling driver? Also maybe try re-flashing/updating your BIOS..

Since it started after you switched cases - I would check and make sure there isn't anything (like a screw) wedged between the back of the mobo and the side of case -this could be causing some kind of short.

This usually indicates the mobo is reading the memory at wrong speed or there may be a bad slot/bad stick of RAM. I would pull all the DIMMs out and replace them one at a time and boot up each time to see if the system POST's...and/or the light goes away.