Graphics card no longer works after installing MSI 'SVGA' Drivers off of the disc.

Travis Over

Jun 20, 2014
I recently updated my motherboard and CPU. Cpu from an i5 to an i7 6700k. And Motherboard to an MSI Z170A M5 Motherboard. On startup I installed all of the drivers I needed except for the display ones on the disc. I had my Graphics card (A GTX 960) plugged in and running perfectly fine, albeit without certain Nvidia drivers. I restarted and decided to install the 'SVGA' Drivers from MSI's install disc, this proved to be a big mistake. Upon restarting my computer again the GPU no longer works and only the on board video. I get that I installed the drivers to make this work properly, but I did not expect it to over-ride my old card. Normally I could just install some Nvidia drivers and get things working, however the card isn't recognized anymore. In fact it doesn't even show up in the BIOS, nor do I get any error codes from the motherboard. It's as though the card simply doesn't exist when it's plugged in. Whenver I try to install some NVidia drivers I get the same error from them, that they cannot install because the hardware is not detected. So I've come to you guys for a little help. I can't find where the SVGA drivers are installed so I can uninstall them and I have no idea why the card stopped working. I am running Windows 8.

Try either of these two solutions. See if they work for you.
Yeah, if you purchase older hardware such as the 960, DON'T install the drivers off of the disc. About your problem, try switching slots if you have more than 1 PCIe. If that doesn't work, try and install another card and see if you can get rid of the drivers then? It's kinda hard to diagnose your problem if it isn't even recognized by the PC anymore.... Good luck.
Like to point out, was the original build a OEM (HP, Dell, etc.) PC? If so, you need a new copy of Windows or elements of 'Windows' will stop working then finally Windows will refuse to load / etc. as you changed the OEM licencing (the CPU) agreement and now voided that copy of Windows.

Personally if a card doesn't show in BIOS/UEFI then it has nothing to do with 'software' drivers. I would have made sure A) you have the right power supply to power the MORE demands of the i7 with the rest of the build, B) reseat the GPU and see if it just 'popped' out and last but not least HAVE YOU TRIED THE GPU IN ANOTHER COMPUTER? If it doesn't work no matter the computer, then you fried the card (and no not because of drivers). If for example you 'installed' the MSI BIOS onto the card you did so incorrectly and 'bricked' it.

BTW WIndows 8 is NOT supported, you need to update to Windows 10, as the newer CPUs are NOT supported any longer (proper full function as advertised) unless on W10 per Intel.

Thanks for the quick response. I'll have to do a little research on the OEM example but thankyou for pointing that out.

As for your other points, Yes I have the correct power supply, in my older build it was working fine, and it worked, and as I said before installing the odd drivers the PSU was sufficient to run both the CPU (I Even ran a stress Test) and the Gpu at the Same time. It is a 750W Power supply.

I did reseat the Gpu and put it into the other PCI slots and it didn't change anything, still didn't recognize it.

I wasn't fooling around too much in the bios I was only checking to see if the card was there so I doubt I managed to get that onto the card.

And Yes, I pulled out my old motherboard and a 500W PSU, bread-boarded it and stuck the Card in there to see if it would work, had only the DVI slot of the card plugged in (not the on-board video or anything) and the card worked just fine for me.
I was not using a Hardrive so it didn't have any unusual driver conflicts (what I can assume is happening) going onto prevent it from doing things.

Te problem only seems to arise when I put it into my new motherboard, it doesn't seem to want to see it. Like I said though, it was working fine before I installed the SVGA drivers.

Thanks for the tip about windows 10, I never really wanted to update because of software conflicts I was having when I upgraded, but I'll re-consider it now that it matters more.

Wiped the drivers with DDU, restarted, didn't work. Turned off the PC let it power cycle GPU randomly started to work again. Go figure. Weird how it wasn't showing up in the BIOS... I did do a CMOS reset before getting rid of the drivers, that may have contributed. I don't really know. Really weird, but it's working Thanks for the DDU tool!