Graphics card no output


Jan 7, 2015
I recently replaced my power supply and graphics card, I now have a
Sapphire AMD R9 290 TRI-X OC graphics card and a Corsair 750 watt power supply.
The power supply works as expected but the graphics card does not display anything at all.
All I get is "No signal" on my monitor, HDMI and DVI. My old Nvidia Geforce GT 705 works even without drivers.

I know what you're gonna ask, have I installed the drivers. No I have not and heres why, when I goto the AMD website and download the drivers it just installs AMD Catalyst Install Manager,
and I think you get the drivers from AMD Catalyst Control Center (which it has not installed).
I have Windows 8.1 and I don't see an application to launch the install manager.

I tried installing AMD drivers on a virtual machine (running Windows 7) to see if there would be a application to launch, but the operating system crashed with a blue screen.

When I put the graphics card in (obviously with the wires connected to it) the fans on the graphics card spin but like I said, not displaying anything.

I'm wondering if the problem is the motherboard because the motherboard is a
Hewlett-Packard 2AF7 which I suppose is not meant for the graphics card of this tier.

In the graphics card there are two 6 pin PCI and one 2 pin cables into the graphics card, I hope thats the right ones.

Also no one else has been able to help me, maybe no one knows or I'm just not getting noticed.

Best option is testing the card with another system that works.. It'll save your time.
I had a similar situation when I upgraded to HD 7750 with my 2008 motherboard (It was Intel 945 bla bla) and there was no video output.. I was about to RMA the card (After spending many hours trying to fix things and searching for BIOS updates) but when I tried it with another system it worked flawlessly.