Graphics card not showing in device manager, and the drivers won't install?


Apr 29, 2015
Okay I recently upgraded from a GTX 610 to a Nvidia geforce gtx970. I've plugged in every single wire, I've made sure its seat perfectly, and everything. but for some reason it won't show in the device manager, or won't let me insteall drivers, its saying that it could not find compatible graphics hardware. I've got a power source, CX750M, and my motherboard is a, gigabyte GA z77 d3H.
I have an Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-370K CPU @ 3.40GHz, 4501Mhz, 4C
Please help me I'm begging 🙁

Also, its lighting up, everything is on with it, the fan turns on briefly when the computer is turned on, but then turns off, which it is supposed to unless it gets hot I think.
I might have done something wrong, the only way I know how to change the PCI is on the 3d model in my bios if you guys know of another way to get to the Bios then u should tell me :X , I'm pretty new with the whole computer thing.