As a heads up, i'm not too experienced with computers in general, so bare with me. My graphics card has not been working for probably the past 3 months now. I first noticed this when I was playing Civ 5 one day and the map was loading very slowly. I left for a bit then came back to try to play. My game slowed down EXTREMELY. I also tried playing World of Tanks. My framerate dropped to about 8-15. It's usually 40-60. I think the problems started after installing windows 10, but i'm not too sure. Maybe 25% sure it started after this. I have noticed that, when I go into Device Manager, a yellow caution sign is on the tab of the graphic card. My computer is currently running on Microsoft Windows Displayer. It has power. I recently checked it by starting the computer with the side panel open. It's definitely running like it would normally be. If anyone has an ide what's going on, be my guest to educate me and how to fix it. Thanks.