Graphics card Power consumption

That's not a familiar brand here in the US, but from the reviews listed on their site, it must be pretty good quality. The +12V rating of 56 amps on the +12V rail is good. (wish they also listed the total wattage the +12V rail was rated at)
I'd say you will be fine.
already many thanks for your advance !

i just saw a full review of the 730 on the site, from , and its awarde with a 4.7/5 !

the total wattage gained on the rails are 550w min and 600w maw , so i'd think i'm safe then? 😀

well it do says that they wanna take it to the next level with these Xilence premium a series , and i'm pleased with the resulst AND for some reason its often sold here in belgium to a variety of gamers & high end pc users ; but as you say ; never thrust those made in china mega producing products ! 😀

In a couple of days i will get that Xilence prompted into my system and we'll see ; any progress i'll put here so people ever having the same issue of doubting would make things much easier :)

Safe? yes. There are better PSUs, but that one looks to be OK. Here is a tiered list of PSUs if you want to consider some others.