Hey Guys,
So I had a question about my graphics card, I recently bought a new one the (radeon r7 240) and am still getting pretty low fps on Runescape. Before i upgraded it i was getting around 3-5 on min settings and now I'm getting better but still pretty low. Around 8-15. I was wondering if this is a graphics card problem and should upgrade to the geforce gtx 750 (only affodable good one I found, but if there's any better around the same price range I'm willing to go for those). I'll list my computer specs below in-case it's not the graphics card.
I won't be able to afford a new computer at the moment so that's not an option.
Processor: Intel(r) Core(tm)2 cpu 4300@1.80ghz
Installed memory (ram): 3gb (usable 2.74gb)
System type: 32 bit
Graphics card: Diamond Radeon r7 240 oc 2gb
I know it's not very good but it i think it should be able to run RS around 20-25 fps on min settings.
Thanks for replying
So I had a question about my graphics card, I recently bought a new one the (radeon r7 240) and am still getting pretty low fps on Runescape. Before i upgraded it i was getting around 3-5 on min settings and now I'm getting better but still pretty low. Around 8-15. I was wondering if this is a graphics card problem and should upgrade to the geforce gtx 750 (only affodable good one I found, but if there's any better around the same price range I'm willing to go for those). I'll list my computer specs below in-case it's not the graphics card.
I won't be able to afford a new computer at the moment so that's not an option.
Processor: Intel(r) Core(tm)2 cpu 4300@1.80ghz
Installed memory (ram): 3gb (usable 2.74gb)
System type: 32 bit
Graphics card: Diamond Radeon r7 240 oc 2gb
I know it's not very good but it i think it should be able to run RS around 20-25 fps on min settings.
Thanks for replying