M meisterr666 Reputable Aug 13, 2014 1 0 4,510 Aug 13, 2014 #1 Basically i want to change my graphics card but i don't want to change my power supply or anything else as my mother board is a H-CUPERTINO2-H61-uA TX (Cupertino2) any recommendations or help would be appreciated thanks
Basically i want to change my graphics card but i don't want to change my power supply or anything else as my mother board is a H-CUPERTINO2-H61-uA TX (Cupertino2) any recommendations or help would be appreciated thanks
J Jay Lavistria Honorable Aug 2, 2013 704 0 11,060 Aug 13, 2014 #2 We'll need to know how strong that PSU is. Upvote 0 Downvote