Hello. I don't know that much in the computer part world so please bear with me. I currently have a Dell XPS 8500 that I currently use for gaming. I am considering buying a graphics card and a new PSU to put in it and I have a few questions. The graphics card is either going to be a GT 740 4GB DDR3 (http://amzn.com/B00KJGYOBQ) or a GT 740 2GB GDDR5 (http://amzn.com/B00KO3GJVC). The PSU I am considering is a EVGA 430W (http://amzn.com/B00H33SDR4).
Will these cards fit into my pc?
Is there a performance difference with these cards? (If so, which would you think is the better buy?)
Will I need more components (cables etc.) to use these cards?
Is the PSU I listed able to power these cards with no issues?
An answer at your earliest convenience would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Will these cards fit into my pc?
Is there a performance difference with these cards? (If so, which would you think is the better buy?)
Will I need more components (cables etc.) to use these cards?
Is the PSU I listed able to power these cards with no issues?
An answer at your earliest convenience would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.