Graphics card Whining


Jun 12, 2016
Hello people of tomshardware, so ive had this 780ti for a few weeks now. I have watercooled it with the nzxt g10 bracket, or atleast the core by those means. I was playing pubg, after a few games in the lobby this happend: by computer froze, it took like around a minute before it restarted on its own, i was stuck on boot code 9c for a little while and then it went for a regular boot.

I dont know if from that point this sound started to come from my graphics card but, i can now hear a high pitched noise whenever the 780 is under load... it comes from around this area:
more specific the blue area it seems like... I dont know what to do here, it hasnt happend again, (the artifacting) i did although do a 100mhz overclock more on the memory clock, is it permanently damaged now? (dialed the oc all the way to stock after that happend) I ordered some vrm heatsinks, will that help? and if it does where should i place them? i layed out the ones i have now, (i dont have enough for now) is this layout okay? oh and what is this module? (marked with pink) And should i have heatsinks on the areas marked with green? or just on every single chip that there is on the board? xD:
The VRAM would go on the memory chips, I can't reach the site you used for pictures but it should be simple to find out which are the memory chips, they will look the same and would have a memory vendor branding on them. A 780 Ti is a pretty old card, if you only had it for a few weeks, it must have been used, which means you don't really know if the issue with the card was happening before it was sold or something new to you using it. You can't really diagnose the noise, but often it can come from bad capacitors.
The VRAM would go on the memory chips, I can't reach the site you used for pictures but it should be simple to find out which are the memory chips, they will look the same and would have a memory vendor branding on them. A 780 Ti is a pretty old card, if you only had it for a few weeks, it must have been used, which means you don't really know if the issue with the card was happening before it was sold or something new to you using it. You can't really diagnose the noise, but often it can come from bad capacitors.