Hello people of tomshardware, so ive had this 780ti for a few weeks now. I have watercooled it with the nzxt g10 bracket, or atleast the core by those means. I was playing pubg, after a few games in the lobby this happend: https://gyazo.com/99b7408af8dc3426d212b79e121ff1a0 by computer froze, it took like around a minute before it restarted on its own, i was stuck on boot code 9c for a little while and then it went for a regular boot.
I dont know if from that point this sound started to come from my graphics card but, i can now hear a high pitched noise whenever the 780 is under load... it comes from around this area: https://gyazo.com/d32346a85938ded5d6d231903546d636
more specific the blue area it seems like... I dont know what to do here, it hasnt happend again, (the artifacting) i did although do a 100mhz overclock more on the memory clock, is it permanently damaged now? (dialed the oc all the way to stock after that happend) I ordered some vrm heatsinks, will that help? and if it does where should i place them? i layed out the ones i have now, (i dont have enough for now) is this layout okay? oh and what is this module? (marked with pink) And should i have heatsinks on the areas marked with green? or just on every single chip that there is on the board? xD: https://gyazo.com/15c99fe2ca643d884279c97092b078f0
I dont know if from that point this sound started to come from my graphics card but, i can now hear a high pitched noise whenever the 780 is under load... it comes from around this area: https://gyazo.com/d32346a85938ded5d6d231903546d636
more specific the blue area it seems like... I dont know what to do here, it hasnt happend again, (the artifacting) i did although do a 100mhz overclock more on the memory clock, is it permanently damaged now? (dialed the oc all the way to stock after that happend) I ordered some vrm heatsinks, will that help? and if it does where should i place them? i layed out the ones i have now, (i dont have enough for now) is this layout okay? oh and what is this module? (marked with pink) And should i have heatsinks on the areas marked with green? or just on every single chip that there is on the board? xD: https://gyazo.com/15c99fe2ca643d884279c97092b078f0