Graphics performance decrease in Win2K?


Apr 10, 2001
Alright, I've heard something about the graphics performance in Win2K is less than Win98. I test my computer periodically at <A HREF="" target="_new"></A>. When I ran the full test, my graphics card performance was at 100%. Now, in Win2K, it's 52%.

I installed Win2K in this order after the first login:
VIA 4-in-1 drivers v4.33
Windows 2000 SP2
Windows 2000 High Encryption Pack Standard
DirectX 8.0a
Digital Video Update for DirectX 8.0
ATI Radeon Driver v5.13.01.3102 for Windows 2000 (March 7, 2001)

BTW, I have an ATI Radeon 32MB SDR graphics card. Thanks for any help you can give...

Kernel32.dll, son of a.... 😱
Not so much the background stuff, as it is the drivers. Win98 lets anything have direct access to any particular piece of hardware that it wants. Win2k puts a little 'hold' on the situation.

But yeah, 10% on 3d games is about right. If it's a 2d game (Arcanum, Fallout, Commandos), win2k will actually give you a speed boost...

<font color=blue>I hacked Msft, and all I got was this lousy source code.....</font color=blue>
Pretty much. They can only tweak the drivers so far before the OS limits you anyway. That's the beauty of Winme/98; all the rubbers have holes.....

<font color=blue>I hacked Msft, and all I got was this lousy source code.....</font color=blue>
No, not pure gaming, but it is nice and moderately stable, which is a good thing far any OS.

"If you teach a child to read, then he or her will be able to pass a literacy test" - George W.
Not exactly.

If you're running a pentium 2 with a voodoo 2, then yes; you will want to use win98 as your platform.

If you have a 1ghz+ processor and a GF2 Ultra, then you will want to see if the game plays under win2k first. There's something to be said about not having to reboot but once per day, and being able to exit a game, surf the net for walkthroughs, and start the game back up without a blue-screen.

<font color=blue>I hacked Msft, and all I got was this lousy source code.....</font color=blue>
just a minor quiff..
are you sure w98 give direct access to hardware. I was pretty sure there was an api layer between hardware and os.

for example, direct x is an api that exposes the hardware capability to the OS.

I thought only real mode (dos, unix, ms dos mode in win98 etc.. ) platforms truly allowed direct access to hardware.
Windows ME does not even have a real mode environment anymore.

Been thinking about this off and on since ya posted. I just haven't been bothered enough to go to ms support to see :)
The reason you are getting such low frame rate is because the ATI drivers for win2k suck big time. With a Nvidia card, theyre is no difference in performance.

ATi is supposed to fix ( i hope ) the win2k issue with their next card.

Yes the radeon suxk in win2k, that what 2 of my friends said.
Great! That's exactly what I wanted to hear! LoL...

It's all good, I guess. I mean, I'm not a super heavy gamer. The only game I really own is F/A-18 Simulator. I barely play that! Probably because it didn't come with a manual, and there's a lot of stuff to learn, but nevertheless...stability is favorable.

If I really wanted to play games that much, I can always dual-boot. Install using 98Lite - sleek install - and just install nothing but my games.

I really appreciate all your replies! :smile:

Kernel32.dll, son of a.... 😱
good drivers make a world of difference to be sure!! hehe, my creative savage 4 card was great hardware but the drivers (and support) sucked big time!! So i ended up with a poor, hobbled card.

With my new system i got 3300 3dmark2001 (MSI starforce 8831 -geoforce 2 gts/pro). I updated to det 3 drivers from nvidia and score went to 3650 (but went down to 3500 for some reason). I just updated to the det XP drivers..and score went up 160 more points :)