Sheriffw :
DSzymborski :
That case is listed as supporting up to a 400mm/15.7" GPU and there's no way a two-fan GTX 560 is that long. So I'll really need to see a picture -- your explanation is unclear -- to give any advice about what's going on. Looking at the card, it doesn't appear to have an unusual I/O panel.
The Graphics card sits on top of the slot....
Sheriffw :
DSzymborski :
That case is listed as supporting up to a 400mm/15.7" GPU and there's no way a two-fan GTX 560 is that long. So I'll really need to see a picture -- your explanation is unclear -- to give any advice about what's going on. Looking at the card, it doesn't appear to have an unusual I/O panel.
The Graphics card sits on top of the slot....
Ummm....was this GPU disassembled and awkwardly put back together incorrectly at some point?
This is what the GPU should look like.
Notice that your PCIE contacts aren't situated where they will actually connect with anything. The part of the bracket that bends 90 degrees to be attached to the case isn't supposed to be on the same side as the PCIE contacts.
And what's the white area flush to the back of the case? Are you trying to assemble your build while the case is still in styrofoam? Something is going horribly wrong here, more than one thing actually.