GraphicsCard For GTAV


Jul 25, 2015
I'm looking for the cheapest possible graphics card that will be able to run gta 5 on around high settings, any answers will help.
1080p or higher resolution? if 1080p then I would recommend a 2gb card like a gtx660 or better, if you want to go higher res and if you can afford it get a gtx780, people are offloading their old cards on ebay right now because the new stuff just came out so you can probably find a deal around $300 or less for a 780 or $200 or less for a 660

Please also state your specs, since running high settings requires more than just a good graphics card.

I have an R9 270 (non-X), that runs GTA V on almost maxed settings without problems. It stays above 30fps, which is good enough for me. I would recommend it.

The rest of my specs if you're curious:
i5 4590
16GB DDR3-1600MHz (you don't need 16GB)