Grapics Card Ability


Aug 24, 2014
If I get two graphics card in one computer, and connect them to two different monitors an still play games well. Also, could I run the two monitors separately so they don't interfere with eachother

Yes, of course. Same as you would with 2 monitors connected to the same card. I just recently did that with an old 8800 GTS I had laying around. Of course both my cards were Nvidia, but I don't see why you couldn't have an AMD and an Nvidia too. Just install both drivers.

Yes, of course. Same as you would with 2 monitors connected to the same card. I just recently did that with an old 8800 GTS I had laying around. Of course both my cards were Nvidia, but I don't see why you couldn't have an AMD and an Nvidia too. Just install both drivers.

But I do need two graphics cards? And only one set of keyboard and mouse or two?
You don't NEED two cards if your existing card has more than one video port you can use. As far as needing two KB and mice, no. But keep in mind some games don't allow using the 2nd monitor when it is active. They blank it out. Why not try it out first with the card you have now.

If they dont support it, will having two cards fx it and let me use them as if they were two different computers