Gray Screen With Vertical Lines (New PC Build)


Jan 20, 2014
So I built a PC for my brother and its having problems. I'm trying to narrow down the cause. After 4-6 hours of playing league of legends his computer gets a Gray Screen With Vertical Lines. He can still talk to friends on Skype and hear the game but has to restart in-order it see screen.

+ I have updated windows 7 fully, and used ez driver installer provide on the driver disc to update drivers for motherboard, and the driver updater for the video card as well.

+ All fans are work and temps dont get high at all.

+ I have currently swapped his GPU with the one from my my personal computer. So far he has played 2 hours of league of legends with my videocard and I have played 2 hours of Planetside 2 with his videocard so far neither computer has had the issue but I plan on testing it at least 6 hours befor I swap them back.

+ I have looked into other solutions online and they range from bad GPU, Changing the resolution settings, modifying bios to add more voltage to cpu, and updating drivers. I would like some suggestions from people instead of searching more forums for partially related issues. So Please any troubleshooting and diagnostics ideas will help.

+ Also I have rma'ed a different mother board already it was getting no video feed at all and could not access bios or os. Replacing it fixed that issue and now I have to deal with another one not sure if they are related.


His Problematic Build

My working build:[
Other notes: My build uses HDMI with a 1080p monitor. His is using another cable type and is something like 1776x1000. The drivers in his GPU caused black bars around boarders and I initially went into "AMD Catalyst Control Center" and scale the screen.
I managed to play 5-ish hours of planet side 2 on high using (his GPU) and an hour of Metro Last Light. In return he was able to play 6-ish hours of league of legends with (my GPU). I have just swapped them back seaming both systems work and maybe I just needed to move the parts around and connect them better. I will know in 7 hours ish if it happens again if so I will try hiving him my monitor for seven hours and try again.

I purchased it December 5th so I will have to decided weather to RMA it soon, witch from experience is a pain in the ass.

So the question is why would his system work with a more intensive GPU wail at the same time (his GPU) working in a different system of its own.
He was able to play a full day. This time we keeped an eye on the GPU temp and it stayed in a good range. He did not get Gray Screen With Vertical Lines however I think he was not playing as intensely. He was however getting a temporary green line on his screen a few times. As of now I just swapped our monitors. So if its the resolution, monitor, or video cable I will catch it this way.